Typography v0.1.0 Github Repo

Only a single Page Title can exist on a page at one time. All other titles can be used multiple times.

When mixing SkyTextMedium and skyTextRegular weights, Medium should always come first.

Page Title (Sky Text Regular 52px 32px* )
Line-height 56px 36px*

Section Title (Sky Text Regular 44px 28px*)
Line-height 48px 32px*

Smaller Section Title (Sky Text Medium / Regular 36px 28px*)
Line-height 40px 32px*

Pod Title (Sky Text Medium / Regular 32px 28px*)
Line-height 36px 32px*

Smaller Pod Title (Sky Text Medium / Regular 28px 24px*)
Line-height 32px 28px*

Intro Copy (Sky Text Medium / Regular 24px 20px*)
Line-height 28px 24px*

Smaller Intro Copy (Sky Text Medium / Regular 20px)
Line-height 24px

Body text (Sky Text Medium / Regular 16px)
Line-height 20px

Instructional copy (Luna 24px)
Line-height 40px

Legal copy




'Strong' tags go to medium automatically 'Small' text (relative to container)

Link to a different location (same page)

Link to a different page (with a chevron)

Text on dark background is white

Links next to normal text need chevrons

Text on light background is black

Links next to normal text need chevrons
  1. Ordered list item
  2. Ordered list item
  3. Ordered list item